Sunday, March 4, 2012

Today's tip: Perfect skin for the perfect day

What is and what causes them
The discoloration (blemishes, freckles, spots) of the skin may be due to hormonal imbalance, the sun, some medication, infection or acne. Caused when specific points melanin (the substance produced by the melanocytes of the skin to protect from the sun) produced a greater extent than in the rest skin. In those paragraphs the most intensely colored skin, which eventually makes sense of the spots.
What to do
To avoid creating discolorations and freckles, receive appropriate protection against the sun, using sunscreen with high sun protection throughout the duration of time and avoid excessive sun exposure. Also avoid products with artificial flavor and color and you exfoliate regularly.
Finally, you are treated with special medicinal preparations such as topical hydroquinone in creams, gels or lotions or use of azelaic acid. In any case, consult your dermatologist.

What is and what causes them
The redness of the face due to a neuro-vascular disorder that affects the facial skin and eyes. It is caused when blood vessels in the skin undergo changes in function and have higher than normal response to internal and external stimuli. It is three times more common in women than in men and is caused by a large and hereditary factors.
What to do
Avoid situations that aggravate the redness, such as hot meals, many spices, hot drinks and alcohol. Also, use sunscreen daily, as the sun aggravates the redness. Prefer physical sunscreens reflect the sun's rays, unlike the chemicals absorb solar energy and visit your dermatologist to give you the appropriate-often-steroid creams for topical treatment. In more severe cases and may need antibiotics.

Our skin reflects the state of my entire body and reflects our mood. So it is important to make sure that "tells" the best for us!

Whatever you decide bridal wear, as though it's perfect makeup and hairstyle you, there is an issue that should give particular attention to your wedding day: your skin! Whether you are concerned about pimples and spots, dryness or the oiliness, the blur or wrinkles, it is recommended that you do for a start, is an intensive program of care.
As for the mirror-face of all our body-the wipes are not enough. Of course it is preferable than to sleep with make up all day, but it is not the solution. Especially if you live in town, we advise you to do a double purification, first to remove the make up and dust that has accumulated on your skin and then to prevent the blocking of open resources.
Hydration is another key component of your skin. And of course do not make the mistake to think that we should skip this question because you have oily skin and that burden. If you ever happened, then perhaps you used the right product. So ask someone special, or look for a lightweight product for oily skin.
Equally important for your face is peeling, and removes dead skin cells and dullness of the skin and makes it more likely to receive care products below. Caution, however if you have acne problem, as there is likely to worsen the situation. As a general rule, you should keep in mind that you clean your skin morning and evening to moisturize daily and make peeling once or twice a week.

If we secure the above basic care, you can get to the detailed and often difficult problems, such as various types of blemishes, pimples, the oiliness and peeling:

Acne and spots
What are the causes and what
Created when the sebaceous glands secrete increased amounts of sebum. Sebum, and sometimes the dead skin cells, clog hair follicles and trapped bacteria multiply, causing inflammation of the skin surrounding the follicle. Pimples are created mainly in places where there are many sebaceous glands, such as the face, back and neck.
Healthy skin requires a balance hormones, estrogen and androgen. When this balance is disrupted, creating problems. One solution is to take contraceptive pills, on the advice of your gynecologist and of course ... patience. Keep in mind that an important factor of your hormone disorder is anxiety and stress, so it is advisable to avoid them as you can.
The myths about chocolate not to take seriously. However, studies have shown that a high carbohydrate and sugar diet aggravates the situation. So, make sure to eat everything in moderation and you will lose.
What to do
You can control or avoid pimples, taking appropriate measures: Wash your skin with water and mild antibacterial soap
But do not exaggerate. Additionally, use the special cleansing lotions and creams suitable for your situation and of course do not squeeze the spots if they are red and painful, because it will speed up the infection and create scarring. Finally, remember once or twice a week exfoliation and revitalizes the skin and use a mask, which refreshes.

Dryness and cracking
What are the causes and what
There are many reasons that can lead to dryness of your skin: the heating, air conditioning, the sun, excessive cleaning, alcohol, smoking, diet, or that there is not enough oily secretion from the glands. Dry skin is rough and tough feeling and may have cracks and peeling.
What to do
A proper and intensive care, but some preventive measures can correct the situation significantly: avoid excessively dry air and sunshine and be sure to refresh the air and the humidity where you are.
Watch your diet, enriching it with vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and raw foods. Vegetables with yellow and orange color is very good because it is rich in antioxidant beta-carotene. Carrots and apricots are rich in vitamins A and C, very important for rubber, soft skin. Be sure to also drink at least 2 liters of water a day to keep your skin hydrated and avoid fried foods and high fat.
Finally, choose lotions and creams based on oil and nourishing, moisturizing ingredients. It is preferable to those with higher water content because "imprisoning" more moisture

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