Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Clean with vinegar

What is that natural cleanser that can be the only one that will need all the housework? Of course, vinegar.

For most of us, the smell of vinegar to bring to our memory the traditional painted Easter eggs. The smell of white vinegar may well be clean scent.
The vinegar is an economical and environmentally friendly cleaning product. You can buy from the supermarket vinegar in large packs because, as we shall see below, we can use it in a thousand jobs.
White vinegar has hundreds of uses: absorbs odors, dissolves grease and debris by cleaning soap, dissolve the salts. Additionally acts as an antibacterial and acetic acid kills mold, bacteria and germs.
What can you clean but with vinegar? Let's look at some:

Salts in the sink and faucets
Especially in areas where the water is "hard" is a daily vinegar ally in the war of the scale on taps and stains in stainless sink.

Dried grease in the grill of barbecue
Sprinkle vinegar in lukewarm (not hot) grill of barbecue and be amazed with the ease that you can then remove the fat and meat residue left on it.

Residues of soap in the bathroom tiles
Want the tiles in your bathroom is sparkling but the cleaners leave shadows when dry. The same residue shampoo, soap or shower gel. The solution again is to go with a cloth dipped in vinegar.

Damaged plate steam iron
Even if you use distilled water, using a slab of iron salts together, altered the plate and stick to clothes. Regular maintenance of wiping the plate clean with vinegar will remove the salt water by increasing the life of a steam iron.

Children's toys
If you clean your baby's toys with a chemical cleaner, it is certain that the remains of detergent will result in your child's mouth. Conversely, if the cleaning with vinegar diluted with clean water by rubbing them with a toothbrush, you will be absolutely assured that your little angel will not swallow a poison.

Gold Jewelry
If the jewelry you have lost luster, dip in pure vinegar for 15-20 minutes and you will see them "come to life." Do not forget to shake regularly while you have them in vinegar to shine in all their aspects.
Caution: Do not use vinegar in jewelry with genuine pearls and opal stones.

Glass jars
If the signal leaving the water in the vases is so frustrating for you and for me, the only solution to remove this ugly layer of salt is to make a mixture of water and vinegar in equal proportions and leave the jar to clean.
Also the flowers in the vase will "live" much longer if the water, add a tablespoon of sugar and one tablespoon vinegar.

Washing machine
A tablespoon of vinegar in the space of fabric softener will remove odors from clothes, but will keep the bowl of the machine free of salts for much longer.
For maintenance of the machine you at regular intervals to put the machine in short program, putting in detergent, one cup of vinegar and put it on without clothes inside.

The uses of vinegar does not seem to stop here:
- Put a bowl of water and vinegar in equal proportions in the microwave and turn on the stove to boil the mixture. Then with a clean cloth oven food residues.
- Have a cup of vinegar overnight in the toilet. In the morning, clean the bowl with a sponge or brush and pull the toilet flush. Basin will shine.
- Sprinkle with vinegar knobs on the doors to kill germs. Wipe then with a dry cloth.
- Dip an old toothbrush in vinegar and trypste opener for milk and canned. It will relieve them from debris and microbes that host.

Attention in use
- Do not anamygneiete vinegar products containing ammonia as it can create dangerous fumes.
- Never use vinegar on marble surfaces and may damage the surface.

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